Dear Jethro ...

Thursday, April 15, 2010 | |

"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You."
— Dr. Seuss (Happy Birthday to You!)

I have known your momma for quite some time. She opened a world to me filled with inspiration, passion, healing, and a whole lot of love. I've been feeling lately like your arrival into this little part of a great, big universe fills my heart in areas nothing else could touch before. The last time I was in a hospital it was for the arrival of your big sister, Aurelia. She came into this world when I was in a different place (and your big brother, Miles, two years before when I was in an even different place that now seems like another life time ago).

I can look back on what each of those times in my life brought me, and while each different, all were filled with as much love as I could muster. The three of you have wrapped your tiny hands around my heart and made me feel like I could recover bits of myself that I lost over 20 years ago.

You are so loved, by so many people. And I want you to know that you have such an amazing little circle of peace and safety created for you by your parents and the people closest to them.

I may not be able to hold you in my arms until you are 6 months old, but I've held you in my heart since before you even touched this world.


bcoco said...

This made me cry. And it made its way into Jethro's baby book.